43% off
The punishment that immediately puts hands and feet out of action!
Whether sitting in front of or kneeling behind the body - you decide how gentle or hard the pain should be, depending on whether you hook the padded Velcro cuffs at the ends or in the middle of the 43 cm long connecting cord. Black. Material: polypropylene, metal (chrome-plated). The carabiners are galvanized.
Whether sitting in front of or kneeling behind the body - you decide how gentle or hard the pain should be, depending on whether you hook the padded Velcro cuffs at the ends or in the middle of the 43 cm long connecting cord. Black. Material: polypropylene, metal (chrome-plated). The carabiners are galvanized.
The punishment that immediately puts hands and feet out of action!
Whether sitting in front of or kneeling behind the body - you decide how gentle or hard the pain should be, depending on whether you hook the padded Velcro cuffs at the ends or in the middle of the 43 cm long connecting cord. Black. Material: polypropylene, metal (chrome-plated). The carabiners are galvanized.
Whether sitting in front of or kneeling behind the body - you decide how gentle or hard the pain should be, depending on whether you hook the padded Velcro cuffs at the ends or in the middle of the 43 cm long connecting cord. Black. Material: polypropylene, metal (chrome-plated). The carabiners are galvanized.